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How to use For Each Activity in ADF?

The For Each activity in Azure Data Factory is designed to create a loop in your pipeline, allowing you to iterate over a collection and execute specified activities for each item in that collection. This is like the foreach loop structure in many programming languages. It is configurable for both sequential and parallel executions, supporting dynamic activity within loops by referencing the current item.

ADF – What is ForEach activity?


You use this activity in ADF when you want to loop through the item collection and implement something for each element in the loop. This works the same way it does in programming.

  • Iteration over Collections: The primary use of the ForEach activity is to iterate over a collection of items. This collection can be the result of a previous activity in the pipeline, such as a Lookup activity that retrieves a list of files to process, database records, or any other array of items.
  • Dynamic Activity Execution: Within each iteration of the loop, you can execute one or more activities. This is useful for scenarios where you need to perform repetitive tasks on each item in a collection, such as processing files, executing SQL commands for each record, or calling APIs with different parameters.
  • Sequential or Parallel Execution: The ForEach activity allows you to control whether the iterations are executed sequentially or in parallel. Parallel execution can significantly reduce the overall processing time but may require careful consideration of resource utilization and potential throttling limits of the data sources or services being accessed.
  • Batch Count: When executing activities in parallel, you can specify the batch count, which determines how many iterations of the loop can run in parallel. This allows for a balance between performance and resource consumption.
  • Integration with Other Activities: The output of other activities can be passed into the ForEach loop as an array, and the actions within the loop can use these items. For example, you can use the output of a Lookup activity to fetch a list of items to be processed by the ForEach activity.
  • Handling Dynamic Content: Items within the collection being iterated over can be referenced dynamically within the activities executed in the loop. This allows for customized processing of each item based on its content.

ADF – ForEach activity implementation


  • Use Lookup activity on SharePoint library and pull the list of files from it.
  • Apply ForEach activity and perform copy file operation on each file in the collection from SharePoint library to BLOB container.


  • Add Lookup activity in ADF. From the Settings tab, select Source Dataset as SharePoint Library.
    Note: For demo purpose only, we have kept this step to select SharePoint Library. In real scenario, it can be anything.
  • Now, we will get the list of files from this library as the output. We need to copy each file from SharePoint to BLOB container. So, for that purpose we will use ForEach activity now.
  • ADD Foreach activity in ADF. As you can see in the screenshot, I have added two activities inside the Foreach.
  • Click on the Edit button from ForEach activity.
  • Now inside the Foreach, you can define different activities, which will run for each loop.
  • As you can see in the screenshot, I have added two activities. 1) Web (GetBearerToken), 2) Copy Data.
  • Both these activities will get executed, each time the loop runs. We will not go into the details of either Web or Copy Data activity because they are not part of the agenda of this article.

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