The StartsWith function in PowerApps is used to determine whether a specified text string begins with a certain substring. This can be useful for filtering data, searching, or validating input fields.
PowerApps – StartsWith() function Syntax
StartsWith(Text, StartText)
- Text: The text string to be tested.
- StartText: The substring to check if it appears at the beginning of the Text.
- Empty Strings: If StartText is an empty string, StartsWith will always return true because every string starts with an empty string.
- Case Sensitivity: StartsWith is case-insensitive. "PowerApps" and "powerapps" will both match "power".
· Using StartsWith on large data sources can impact performance, especially if combined with other functions in complex filters. Consider optimizing your data source or using delegation where possible. PowerApps – Basic Example of StartsWith() function
To check if the string "PowerApps" starts with "Power":
StartsWith("PowerApps", "Power")
This returns true because "PowerApps" does indeed start with "Power".
PowerApps – Check StartsWith() function using a Variable
Suppose you have a variable named MyText that holds a string value, and you want to check if it starts with "Hello":
StartsWith(MyText, "Hello")
PowerApps - Filter a Data Source column value, starts with string
Suppose you have a data source named Employees with a column Name, and you want to filter the employees whose names start with "J":
Filter(Employees, StartsWith(Name, "J"))
This returns a table of employees whose names start with the letter "J".
PowerApps - begins with text - search for gallery
You can use the StartsWith function to implement a search box that filters items in a gallery. Suppose you have a gallery bound to a data source named Products and a text input control named SearchBox:
Filter(Products, StartsWith(ProductName, SearchBox.Text))
This filters the products to show only those whose ProductName starts with the text entered in the search box.
If you want to ensure that a text input control starts with a specific prefix, you can use the StartsWith function in the OnChange property of the text input control:
If(Not(StartsWith(TextInput1.Text, "ABC")), Notify("Input must start with 'ABC'", NotificationType.Error))
This checks if the input starts with "ABC" and displays an error notification if it does not.
Suppose you have a contact list and you want to filter the list to show only contacts whose names start with the letter entered by the user:
- Add a Text Input Control for Search
Name the text input control SearchInput.
- Add a Gallery to Display the Contacts
Set the Items property of the gallery to:
Filter(Contacts, StartsWith(Name, SearchInput.Text))
This filters the contacts to show only those whose names start with the text entered in the SearchInput.