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What is SharePoint Online HUB Site?

In simple terms, Microsoft SharePoint is web-based document management and collaboration platform that can be customized according to requirements.

As part of document management, you can create, edit, store documents in your SharePoint application and as part of collaboration you can share document within your workspace. You can also apply security policies on your documents to ensure it is shared to specific user groups only.

There’re many uses of SharePoint but on high level, SharePoint is used as a document management and Collaboration platform.

In this article, we are going to learn about SharePoint online HUB sites. What is the advantage of the HUB sites, how to create them, and more information related to the HUB sites?

What is HUB site?

Definition: SharePoint HUBS or SharePoint HUB Site is a feature in SharePoint Online, using which we can interconnect multiple team sites and communication sites together.

  • We can apply the same theme/branding (Look and Feel), navigation structure and implement search across all the connected sites in the same HUB.
  • You can’t join another HUB site from one HUB site.
  • One SharePoint site can be part of only one HUB site.
  • You can easily join or unjoin any site from HUB Site.
  • You must be SharePoint Administrator to create a HUB site in SharePoint. Site Owners can join a HUB site though.
  • Site created using Create Site link from HUB site will automatically be linked to that HUB site.
  • You can create 2000 HUB sites in an organization but there’s no limit on the number of sites you can associate with a HUB site.

How to create a SharePoint HUB site?

  • Prerequisite: You have already created a Team site or a Communication site.
  • To perform the below steps you must login to SharePoint as an Administrator.
  • Go to (SharePoint Admin Center) and click on Active sites.
  • From the active sites, select the site that you want to establish as HUB site.
  • active sites
  • Now click on Register as hub site.
  • As shown in the screenshot, you can give the Hub name and also you can decide who else can associate their sites with this HUB site by giving the IDs of People who can associate sites with this hub.
  • resgister as hub site
  • Now, Your Hub Site is registered.
  • Hub site registered

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